Is it Bad to Drink Too Much Water?

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The need for water in many cases vary by every individual even though water is an essential requirement by the body.

But as they say, if you play soccer in the dark, you’ll never see the goal.

This is true with water drinking as well, because you may not know the effects of overdoing something.

And I’ve meet many people that have the slightest idea on the right amount of water that their bodies require regularly. In fact, most believe that you can drink as much water as you like, because will only benefit your health.

Is it Bad to Drink Too Much Water?
Is it Bad to Drink Too Much Water?

Let’s go in-depth about the water that we should drink.

Factors that Necessitate Water Needs

Physical Activities

Different activities, especially in sports, require you to have a specification in fluid intake for instance; those that are engaged in sports may take water that contains sodium.

The sodium helps in replacing the sodium that got used up during exercises when perspiration took place.

This helps in the provision of glucose which reduces the risk of developing hyponatraemia and also in the prevention of fatigue.

Hyponatraemia is a disease that is caused when the concentration of sodium in the body is very low.

There is also the dire need to replace fluid after every exercise.


When the weather is humid or hot it tends to increase the loss of sweats, this hence brings about the necessity to take much fluid.

The same also happens when indoor air is heated leading to the loosening of skin.

Increased loss of fluid is likely to be experienced when the altitudes are above 2500m. This triggers an increase in urination plus rapid breathing.

Quantity of Water Needed

Quantity of Water Needed
Quantity of Water Needed

Generally, the body is 70% water. Despite all that amount of water in the body, you still loses water during urination and perspiration.

In order the counter the loss of water in the body, it is a requirement that (excess water too) should be taken since it helps prevent dehydration.

But how much is ‘’much water’’? We’ll answer that later.

Different opinions from different people on the right quantity to be taken are cropping up every other day.

A recommendation from the health authorities states that 8-ounce glasses which equally amounts to 2 liters should be taken per day.

Some health gurus, however, counter this idea that sipping of water ought to be taken constantly as the day goes by.

As with some cases, it all depends on an individual as both internal and external factors affect the need for water.

Many may, however, find it difficult to access water all the time to have their constant sips unlike having the 8-ounces of glasses in mind.

The 8 glasses thus take the lead on the quantity of water needed by the body daily.

Anyway by either 8 or constant sip along the day what remains is that the body needs water.

Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

Benefits of Drinking Enough Water
Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

The water benefits are enormous since keeping hydrated is important to our well-being.

Now lets take a look to the various benefits of drinking enough water on daily basis.

Boosts Skin Health and Beauty

When dehydration takes place, the skin may become much more vulnerable to skin diseases and may end up wrinkling prematurely.

Water improves the skin by moisturizing and keeping it soft hence does away with the wrinkling.

Helps in Temperature Regulation

Sweat usually comes as a result of the water that is stored in the middle layers of skin, and this mostly occurs when the body heats up.

That can therefore, be prevented by water because it tends to cool the body replenishing the cooling function system.

Acts as a Lubricant to the Joints of the Body

There is usually 80% of water found in the body and is normally taken up by cartilage. Therefore, long term dehydration can help reduce the shock-absorbing ability in the joint.

This reduces the pain in the joints.

Prevents Bad Breath

Have you ever sprint among other sprinters and gulping in air and exhaling? I bet you know the smell.

The best clear sign of dehydration is always bad breath. Therefore, drinking enough amount tends to clear away leftover food particles and some oral particles thus leading to bad breath.

Increases the Power of the Brain

After a long day of work, the mental performance may diminish and this may just be the perfect time to take water.

By so doing boosts your energy and helps out in concentration, staying alert and focused for any task. A research by the BSX technologies brings out the following dehydration effects.

  • Dehydration increases sensitivity to pain.
  • It also retards motor skills and cognitive skills.
  • The status of the memory is also affected by dehydration.

Increases Performance During Exercises

Research has proved that taking in too much water to the body boosts performance during strenuous activity.

The study also shows that dehydration reduces performance of activities that lasts more than 30 minutes.

Eases the Flushing of Body Waste

The process of urine removal and feces may be difficult with less water in the body.

The water is therefore an essential factor as it acts as a dissolving agent and serves to transport waste in fluid form. This is later excreted in the form of sweat and urine from the body.

The Digestive System Depends Water

Water, is in many cases is related to a robust immune system and this it does in the following;

  • The water flashes away harmful toxins from the body.
  • The water transports oxygen to the cells that sequels to an improved function system.

However, loss of water in the body may lead to problems such as an overly acidic system and constipation in the digestive system.

It may also result in stomach ulcers and an increase in the risk of heartburn.

Signs of Water Intoxication

Signs of Water Intoxication

Water is a very vital factor as it helps the body keep in shape in terms of hydration and should, therefore, be a top priority.

To have a hydrated lifestyle, you can, however, take the quest for hydration to an extreme level.

Too much drinking of water commonly known as overhydration is very precarious and can bring vast damages to your health.

Overhydration can lead to the imbalance of electrolytes in the body.

Electrolytes like sodium and magnesium assists in the regulation systems from the kidneys to the heart function.

Therefore, a case where there is too much water in the body may reduce the number of electrolytes in the body to keep them from proper functioning.

Albeit it’s of great significance to increase the intake of water, you should give room to your natural thirst to guide your thirst situations.

This is because ‘’more than enough’’ has consequences!

Now, do you remember the question, ‘’what is more than enough’’?

The intoxication of water and over-hydration usually takes place when there is too much water than what the kidneys can get rid of through urine.

However, the amount of water is not the only key factor, but the duration is taken to drink it.

This is what it means; there is a high risk of developing water intoxication if the water is taken within a short time.

The risk can, however, be reduced if the same amount is taken in a prolonged time.

Some individuals may become ignorant about the stipulated quantity of water that a normal healthy person ought to take.

There are therefore side effects that may come to as a result and they may not be easily identified.

Let’s thus exhume and bring into the limelight some of the semblances of ‘more than enough water’.

The swelling of brain cells increases the pressure increases in the skull.

The pressure causes the initial symptoms of the intoxication of water, these incorporate:

  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Nausea

Severe cases can produce intense signs like

  • Confusion
  • Breathing difficulties
  • The inability to identify sensory information
  • Double vision
  • An increase in the pressure in the blood
  • Cramps and weakness in the muscles

The brain stem can be affected by edema, which is caused by excess fluid that accumulates in the brain.

This may cause central nervous system dysfunction.

In intensive cases, the intoxication of water can result in brain damage, seizure and even leads to demise.

Drinking too much water, therefore, is a severe case as it increases much pressure in the skull.

That hence leads to various symptoms and even becomes fatal in severe cases.


A number of the main systems in the body are dependent on the water is taken in. It is, however, precarious to take execs water than what the body requires. And this leads to Overhydration.

Types of Overhydration

  • Water Retaining

This typically takes place in a case where the body is having difficulty in excreting water.

Study proves that several medical conditions cause water retention in the body.

The perils of these two types are that they bring about an imbalance of water and sodium in the blood.

Who’s at Risk of Being Dehydrated?

Those who are engaged in sports are the best target for overhydration since they take in chunks of water. This scenario has mostly been prevalent among;

  • Mountain climbers
  • Rugby players
  • Members of the military during exercises
  • Those who participate in marathons besides ultramarathons( races longer than 26.2 miles)
  • Endurance cyclists.

The condition is likewise among those with liver and kidney diseases. Those with heart failure are in proximity to be affected.

Overhydration Diagnosis

The medical officer will require your medical background history to determine if the cause is overhydration or perhaps any other condition.

A physical examination test will also be carried out by ordering urine or blood test.

Treatment of Overhydration

The treatment may incorporate;

  1. In severe cases, the sodium is replaced
  2. Tackling the state that caused the overhydration
  3. Slicing back on the fluid intake.
  4. The use of diuretics to increase the amount of urine produced.


The utmost clear case of water is that it’s very vital factor weather in a small amount or in galore.

It should, therefore, be taken in the right amount.

Even though over-hydration is not that prevalent, it should not be ignored because of the many health damages that accompany it.

So next time you feel thirsty, take just enough to have your fill and when the thirst comes again, do the same to remain utterly in perfect shape health-wise.


This is George, the Aquaman, editor at AquaMantra. I'm a water quality analyst by profession, and used to work at one of the largest water bottler company.
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